June 29, 2023
Attend this FREE information session to see for yourself how easy it is to use RIPTA!
Learn about our fixed-route buses, Flex Service & RIde paratransit.
RIPTA staff will be on-site to process Senior Photo ID Bus Passes for $10.00.
Interested in obtaining a RIPTA Senior Bus Pass?
Bring $10 CASH with you and proof that you’re over 65 years of age. The Senior Bus Pass is good for 2 years and entitles you to DISCOUNTED fares on RIPTA during off-peak hours.
Interested in our FREE fare program?
Your total income must not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, based on review of (1) an IRS Tax Account Transcript (most recent year) (2) an SSI Award Letter; (3) a Medicaid Eligibility Notice Letter (most recent year); or (4) a Supplemental Income Verification Notice from the Rhode Island’s Executive Office of Health & Human Services. Bring the proper documentation listed and $10.
Call 401-781-9400 x1604 or visit RIPTA.com for details.