High Capacity Transit Feasibility Study

RIPTA is conducting a study to determine the feasibility of a potential High Capacity Transit (HCT) corridor running north-to-south from Central Falls to Warwick via Pawtucket, Providence, and Cranston.

Based upon anticipated ridership demand identified through the Transit Forward RI 2040 plan, this study will begin early planning work to explore the feasibility of a higher quality transit service connecting five communities in the Providence urban core.  Specifically, this study will accomplish:

  • Identification of a preferred transit mode (light rail or bus rapid transit)
  • Preferred corridor routing alternatives
  • Identification of known resources, design challenges, and opportunities
  • Establishment of an inclusive public participation process
  • Identification of project stakeholders

Completing this study is an important step towards a possible future project in partnership with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

This initiative is one of the goals listed in the State’s first-ever Transit Master Plan, entitled Transit Forward RI 2040, which recommends implementation of High Capacity Transit such as Bus Rapid or Light Rail transit in the state’s areas of highest demand. The Central Falls to Warwick corridor has been identified by the State Planning Council as a Regionally Significant Project in both the Long Range Transportation Plan and the 2022-2031 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

High Capacity Transit provides added value for communities in numerous ways: broadening access to jobs, education, and training; opening opportunities for economic development; supporting mobility for individuals unable to drive or afford a personal vehicle; mitigating against traffic congestion; and supporting climate resiliency and enhanced air quality.

A $900,000 grant, made available from the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program, will support this project.

RIPTA will be collaborating with Rhode Island’s Department of Transportation (RIDOT), the Department of Administration’s Division of Statewide Planning, and local leadership in completing the study. A competitive bidding process to procure professional services to assist RIPTA and its strategic partners in carrying out the study will occur in early 2022. The study is expected to take approximately 18 months to complete from notice to proceed.

For more information, please contact TransitForwardRI@ripta.com.

RAISE Grant Map