ADA/Paratransit Expansion Study

In 2022, RIPTA studied ADA/Paratransit service to understand what it might look like to expand current paratransit-type service to other areas of the state.

About RIde/ADA Paratransit

Just as the fixed-route system connects people to jobs, family, education, shopping, recreation, and more, RIPTA’s RIde paratransit service provides those connections for riders whose disabilities prevent them from independently using the fixed-route bus. Qualifying riders must apply and be approved to use RIde. In accordance with federal guidelines, paratransit riders can currently request rides that begin and end within three-quarters of a mile on either side of, and during the same hours of operation as, the RIPTA fixed-route bus. This allows RIPTA to provide paratransit riders with the same level of service as fixed-route riders.

About This Study

RIPTA performed this study in response to a RI General Assembly request to evaluate the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities traveling outside the current paratransit service area. RIPTA considered the costs and benefits of a statewide program to better address these needs and considered possible alternatives. In December 2022, RIPTA produced a final report estimating the number of individuals potentially served by each alternative and the resources needed to support them.

Statewide Paratransit Expansion Study

Project Timeline


Assessment Completed


Draft Program Design Completed and Public Feedback


Final Program Design Report Completed